
Sunday, May 12, 2013

New class series starting in June

Antedance (Elizabeth & Earl Ante) will be starting new Salsa, and Hustle class series in June.
You can register online; or just show up to the first class at the Ruggieri Center and register in person.
More details below (click more)...

New York Hustle Class • Ages 15+
Instructor: Elizabeth & Earl Ante
Location: Ruggieri Senior Center

Beginner & Intermediate Class Come and learn how to do the New York Hustle! The New York Hustle is a popular dance that combines the dance moves of both salsa and cha cha! It is a dance that is easy to learn.
Code   Day   Dates      Time    Classes  Fee
52968   Thursday 6/20-8/29  6:45-7:45 pm  10       $50/ $60
52969   Thursday 6/20-8/29  7:45-8:45 pm  10       $50/ $60
Fee is per person

Salsa Dancing • Ages 15+
Instructor: Elizabeth & Earl Ante
Location: Ruggieri Senior Center

Come and learn the rhythm and dance of salsa. Salsa, in the dance sense, is a dance that expresses emotion and passion with dance movement. Salsa has a compelling beat that inspires people of many ages and cultures to dance. This is a popular dance in the Bay Area so come out and have some fun! No partner necessary. The instruction is designed for Beginner and Intermediate levels.
Code    Day     Dates      Time    Classes  Fee
52966   Monday  6/17-8/19  6:45- 7:45 pm  10       $50/ $60
52967   Monday  6/17-8/19  7:45- 8:45 pm  10       $50/ $60